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The first conference for digital transformation in Yemen- 2022المؤتمر الأول للتحول الرقمي في اليمن

  المؤتمر الأول للتحول الرقمي في اليمن-2022

The first conference for digital transformation in Yemen 2022

و المعرض المصاحب له تحت شعار “تعزيز الشمول المالي”
and the Accompanying Exhibition Under the Slogan
«Promoting Financial Inclusion»


.نحو اقتصاد وطني رقمي قوي


.فتح نوافذ تواصل وإنشاء شراكات بين الأطراف ذات العلاقة


يمكن أن توصف التعاملات المالية والتجارية الإلكترونية في اليمن بضعف، على الرغم من وجود العديد من المشاريع المالية والتجارية، ويمكن القول أن هذا الضعف يعود لسببين رئيسيين، هما

ضعف الوعي المجتمعي بأهمية التعاملات الإلكترونية –
ضعف البيئة التجارية الإلكترونية في اليمن –

وبتحليل هذين السببين تظهر الجذور الأساسية التالية

ضعف الثقة بالتعاملات الإلكترونية –
قلة التعاملات الإلكترونية في المجتمع وأهميتها –
قلة الإقبال على التداول المالي والتجاري الإلكتروني –
غياب التشريعات والقوانين المنظمة لهذا الجانب-
ضعف البنية التحتية للخدمات الإلكترونية –
ضعف التعاون الإلكتروني “الرقمي” بين الأطراف ذات العلاقة –

تؤدي الأسباب المؤثرة الآنفة إلى دور التعامل الذي يحرم الاقتصاد الوطني والفرز الناتج عن النمو والتطور في كافة الناتج المحلي.

التخلف عن مواكبة التطور التقني –
إغفال مورد اقتصادي مهم للبلاد –
ضياع فرص عمل وكفاءات تجارية في البلاد –
ضعف موارد التنمية المستدامة في المجتمع –
تهميش المزيد من الفئات المعزولة والضعيفة في المجتمع عن دورها الاقتصادي وحاجتها للاستقرار

ويهدف المؤتمر في نسخته الأولى لتعزيز وتطوير واقع التحول الرقمي في اليمن من خلال التركيز على الشمول المالي؛ والمساهمة بتسليط الضوء على مورد اقتصادي مهم في عالم اليوم، وجاءت هذه النسخة لتركز على تعزيز الشمول المالي في اليمن؛ الذي له توجهات وأدوات ووسائل متعددة منها الإلكترونية، لتستوعب أكبر عدد وفئة ممكنة من المجتمع بأسهل وأسرع وأوفر وأقرب وسيلة مستمرة، للدفع نحو رفع الاقتصاد الفردي والمحلي والوطني بشكل عام، وتطورتها باستمرار، ورفع مستوى وتنوع التعاملات التجارية فيها، الأمر الذي يساهم بشكل كبير في تشجيع تجارب مماثلة، ورفع وتنويع مصادر الاقتصاد الوطني وتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة
أوضحت دراسة أن الشمول المالي يساهم في تحقيق 13 هدفاً من أهدف التنمية المستدامة 2030 السبعة عشر، كما ظهرت نتيجة من نتائج الدراسة وجود علاقة موجبة طويلة الأمد بين معدل النمو الاقتصادي ومؤشر الشمول المالي، وهو ما تؤكده الدراسات والأبحاث في هذا الموضوع
واستناداً على تقريري المؤشر العالمي للشمول المالي 2017م و2022م ، أوضحت مقدمة تقرير 2022م – الذي سيصدر في الأيام القليلة القادمة – أنه مُنذ العام 2011م أحدثت الحسابات المدعومة بالتكنولوجيا، مثل الخدمات المالية عبر الهاتف المحمول والحسابات المصرفية التي يمكن الوصول إليها من خلال الهاتف المحمول نقلات نوعية في ملكية الحسابات واستخدامها. وهذه أحدى المؤشرات العالمية للشمول المالي للعام 2021م
ويهدف هذا التقرير الدوري لتعزيز الوعي العالمي حول الوضع الحالي للشمول المالي وتعزيز أهميته بوصفه استثمار هام للغاية لبناء اقتصادي قوي يشمل كافة الأفراد والأطراف في الدول والمجتمعات والمجتمع الدولي؛ ليكون قادر على مواجهة وتجاوز التحديات والأزمات أين كانت، تستهدف بها واضعي السياسات والشخصيات المؤثرة في الدول والمناطق، ومنها الأطراف الفاعلة في القطاع المالي، والمجتمع المدني، ووسائل الإعلام
هذا وعلى موقع البنك الدولي يُشير أن الشمول المالي عامل رئيسي في الحد من الفقر وتعزيز الرخاء؛ فهو عامل تمكين لسبعة من أهداف التنمية المستدامة؛ ولهذا أيضاً، التزمت مجموعة العشرين بتعزيز الشمول المالي في جميع أنحاء العالم
كما ذكر الموقع أيضاً، أنه قُطعت خطوات كبيرة نحو الشمول المالي، فمثلاً حصل 1.2مليار بالغ في جميع أنحاء العالم على حساب مصرفي بين عامي 2011م و2017م
حالياً تم أطلاق الخدمات المالية الرقمية في أكثر من 80 بلداً، وعلى نطاق واسع، مما نقل ملايين العملاء الفقراء والمستبعدين من المعاملات النقدية إلى الخدمات الرسمية باستخدام التكنولوجيا الرقمية للحصول على الخدمات المالية
ومنذ عام 2010م قدم أكثر من 55 بلداً التزامات بالشمول المالي وقام أكثر من 60 بلداً بإعداد استراتيجية وطنية، وحسب دراسة البنك الدولي فإن البلدان التي عملت على أكبر قدر من التقدم نحو الشمول المالي واضعة استراتيجية وطنية قد حققت إصلاحات مؤثرة بوتيرة متزايدة
ولحاجة الاقتصاد ومنها عالم المال والأعمال والبلدان لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة للتطور والانجاز فإن الشمول المالي يقود ويدعو لتحول رقمي شامل في كافة جوانب الحياة المعيشية؛ فقد أدى النمو المتسارع والوعي تجاه استخدام الأعمال الرقمية إلى التطور في الأجهزة والمعدات والآلات وزيادة القدرة على التعامل مع البيانات للقفز لمستويات غير مسبوقة في الاقتصاد، مما أدى لتشكيل ميزة تنافسية بين المؤسسات والدول
وتأسيساً على ما سبق، فإن التحول الرقمي والشمول المالي لهما ارتباط طردي ومتوازي يحتم العمل على السير بخطوات مدروسة من أجل تحقيق تنمية مستدامة تنقل وتجاري الطور في مجال المال والأعمال.
هذا وستقوم المنظمة بتنفيذ المؤتمر برعاية رئيس الوزراء، وبالتعاون  وشراكة المكتب الإعلامي لرئيس الوزراء

:هــدف المنظمة من تنفيذ المؤتمر

تهدف منظمة كلنا مبدعون التقنية التنموية للمساهمة في تعزيز البيئة التكنولوجية في اليمن، في عدة مجالات، ومنها التعاملات التجارية الإلكترونية عبر المفاهيم والجوانب والوسائل ذات العلاقة ومنها الشمول المالي الذي يمهد لتحول رقمي شامل في اليمن

اطلاع على بقية المعلومات في ملف المؤتمر 

ملف مؤتمر التحول الرقمي الأول في اليمن 2022 عربي


دليل الرعاية والمشاركة للمؤتمر والمعرض




Towards a strong Digital National Economy”.

The Message

Opening communication channels and establishing partnerships between the relevant parties.


Electronic financial and commercial transactions in Yemen can be described as weak, despite the presence of many financial and commercial projects, and it can be said that this weakness is due to two main reasons, namely:

  • Weak societal awareness of the importance of electronic transactions.
  • Weak e-commerce environment in Yemen.

By analyzing these two reasons, the following basic roots appear:

  • Low confidence in electronic transactions.
  • The lack of electronic transactions in society and its importance.
  • The lack of demand for financial and electronic trading.
  • The absence of legislation and laws regulating it.
  • Weak infrastructure for electronic services.
  • Weak electronic “digital" cooperation between the relevant parties.

The aforementioned negative reasons lead to the weakening of electronic dealing, which deprives the national and individual economy of growth and development in all areas of life, which results in:

1) Failure to keep pace with technical development.
2) Depriving the country of an important economic resource.
3) Loss of job opportunities and commercial competencies in the country.
4) Weakness of sustainable development resources in society.
5) The marginalization of more isolated and weak groups in society from their economic role and their need for stability.

The conference, in its first edition, aims to promote and develop the reality of digital transformation in Yemen by focusing on financial inclusion; contribute to highlighting an important economic resource in today’s world. This edition focused on enhancing financial inclusion in Yemen; Which has directions, tools and multiple means, including electronic ones, to accommodate the largest possible number and category of society in the easiest, fastest, most efficient and closest continuous way, to push towards raising the individual, local and national economy in general, and its continuous development, and raising the level and diversity of commercial transactions in it, which contributes greatly to encouraging similar experiences, raising and diversifying the sources of the national economy and achieving sustainable development goals.
A study showed (1) that financial inclusion contributes to achieving 13 of the seventeen goals of sustainable development for the year of 2030. The study also showed a positive long-term relationship between the rate of economic growth and the financial inclusion index, which is confirmed by studies and research on this subject.
Based on the two reports of the Global Financial Inclusion Index 2017 and 2022 (2), the introduction to the 2022 (3) report – which will be issued in the next few days – explained that since 2011, technology-enabled accounts, such as mobile financial services and bank accounts that can be accessed through a mobile phone, have made qualitative leaps in Account ownership and use. This is one of the global indicators of financial inclusion for the year 2021.
This periodic report aims to enhance global awareness about the current state of financial inclusion and enhance its importance as a very important investment for creating a strong economic that includes all individuals and parties in countries, societies and the international community; To be able to face and overcome challenges and crises wherever they are, targeting policy makers and top figures in countries and regions, including actors in the financial sector, civil society, and the media.
On the World Bank website, financial inclusion is a key factor in reducing poverty and boosting prosperity; It is an enabler of seven of the Sustainable Development Goals; This is also why the G-20 committed to promoting financial inclusion around the world.
The site also mentioned that great strides have been made towards financial inclusion, for example, 1.2 billion adults around the world obtained a bank account between 2011 and 2017.
Currently, digital financial services have been launched in more than 80 countries, and on a large scale, moving millions of poor and excluded customers from cash transactions to formal services using digital technology to access financial services.
Since 2010, more than 55 countries have made commitments to financial inclusion and more than 60 countries have prepared a national strategy. According to the World Bank study, the countries that have made the greatest progress towards financial inclusion and developing a national strategy have achieved effective reforms at an increasing pace(4).
in view of the need of the economy, including the world of finance, business and countries, to achieve sustainable development for development and achievement, financial inclusion leads and calls for a comprehensive digital transformation in all aspects of living life; The rapid growth and awareness towards the use of digital business has led to the development in devices, equipment and machines and the increase in the ability to deal with data to jump to unprecedented levels in the economy, which led to the formation of a competitive advantage between institutions and countries (5).
Based on the foregoing, digital transformation and financial inclusion have a direct and parallel relationship that necessitates working to take deliberate steps in order to achieve sustainable development in the field of business and finance.
The organization will implement the conference under the auspices of the Prime Minister, in cooperation and partnership with the Prime Minister’s Media Office.


  1. The impact of financial inclusion on economic growth in North African countries.
  2. 2017 Global Financial Inclusion Index Report.
  3. 2022 Provided by the Global Financial Inclusion Index Report.
  4. World Bank website.
  5. The importance of digital transformation.

The Organization’s goal in implementing the conference:

We are all innovators of technology development organization aims to contribute to the enhancement of the technological environment in Yemen, in several areas, including electronic business transactions through related concepts, aspects and means, including financial inclusion, which paves the way for a comprehensive digital transformation in Yemen.

Conference Objectives:

The conference aims to push for the development of electronic financial transactions represented in enhancing financial inclusion in Yemen, by focusing on the following goals:

1) Stimulating the establishment of the main axes of a national strategic plan in digital transformation.
2) Raising societal awareness of electronic financial transactions and the means and tools of financial inclusion in Yemen.
3) Contribute to the creation of the e-commerce environment in Yemen in its legal, economic, commercial, logistical, “infrastructure”, cultural aspects, etc…, in cooperation with the relevant parties.
By identifying key points to reflect them for practical actions, as follows:
1) Preparing the main axes of a national strategy for digital transformation.
2) Discussing ways to raise societal awareness about electronic financial and commercial transactions, including applications and e-wallets from various official, financial, commercial and community agencies.
3) Determining ways to enhance confidence in electronic financial and commercial transactions from all parties concerned in this aspect.
4) Shedding light on international experiences in the field of attracting customers and beneficiaries of electronic financial and commercial services.
5) Stimulating the enactment of legislation to regulate work in e-commerce using applications, e-wallets and other means and tools of financial dealing.
6) Facilitating the work procedures of applications, e-wallets and other financial services.
7) Producing a guide to work in e-commerce and financial inclusion, explaining its types, steps and procedures for working in it from all legal, technical and practical aspects…etc.

The conference will highlight the following:

  • Business development needs in financial and e-commerce transactions in Yemen, based on local and international experiences and expertise.
  • The difficulties and challenges faced by electronic projects, including applications, wallets and various financial projects operating in Yemen.
  • Discussing societal culture, challenges and concerns about electronic transactions.
  • Presenting the draft e-commerce law in Yemen for discussion by the financial and e-commerce community.
  • The infrastructure of e-commerce, the extent, suitability and quality of its service, and methods of improvement and development.
  • Recommendations and suggestions of official and private parties working in the field of money, e-commerce, and local and international community organizations.

The outcomes that the conference seeks to achieve:

The conference seeks to achieve a new reality in financial inclusion and digital transformation, and to establish next steps with the cooperation and partnership of official agencies and the private sector and the support of the We Are All Creative Organization, through the outputs as follows:

  • Drafting laws and regulations that constitute the framework for financial inclusion, its tools and means, and a strategy for digital transformation.
  • Establishing a network of business relationships to promote financial inclusion and digital transformation.
  • Implementation of awareness and knowledge activities on financial inclusion and digital transformation.
  • Forming a committee to follow up the implementation of the outcomes of this conference and the previous conference.

Conference themes

The first axis: digital transformation, the current situation and future directions

  • The concept of digital transformation.
  • The importance of implementing a national strategy for digital transformation.
  • Digital transformation strategy in government institutions.

The second axis : Financial Inclusion and Comprehensive Digital Transformation

  • Theme Two: Financial Inclusion and Comprehensive Digital Transformation
  • The concept of financial inclusion and the role of money houses in achieving it.
  • The role of financial, economic and social inclusion.
  • The relationship of official and financial bodies in employing their activities in financial inclusion.
  • The role of financial inclusion in preparing for a comprehensive digital transformation.

The third axis: electronic wallets and applications and their impact on enhancing financial inclusion

  • The function of electronic wallets and applications in expanding financial inclusion and achieving comprehensive digital transformation.
  • The importance of portfolios and electronic applications and their impact on the national economy through achieving financial inclusion and social responsibility.
  • Difficulties and challenges facing the activity and performance of electronic wallets and applications in Yemen.

Fourth Axis: Challenges and Risks of Achieving Financial Inclusion and Digital Transformation.

  • Security and electronic information governance.
  • The country’s electronic infrastructure.
  • The role, responsibilities and powers of the main parties in implementing financial inclusion and achieving digital transformation.

The fifth axis: the role of the state in supporting the implementation of financial inclusion

  • Efforts directed towards enhancing the implementation of financial inclusion and digital transformation.
  • The legal and economic environment.
  • Community awareness of electronic services.
  • Preparing the community to deal with electronic transactions to create a kind of trust and knowledge of them.

Sixth Axis: Employment and Impact of Financial Inclusion on Sustainable Development:

  • The importance of raising societal awareness in digital transformation and promoting financial inclusion.
  • The role of financial inclusion in promoting sustainable development.
  • Financial inclusion related to sustainable development (successful local, regional and international models).

Conference features:

  • Participation in a conference that has future strategic dimensions and importance.
  • Meeting with various parties related to the reality of digital transformation and financial inclusion.
  • Forging partnerships that serve business and society.
  • Participating in the pre-conference workshops.
  • Reviewing experiences and dealing with local and international bodies.
  • Eligibility for certificates of participation in the conference.
  • Eligibility for participation certificates in tribal workshops.
  • Introducing the entity, its role and activities in the field of finance and business.

You can view the attached conference file (English)

File of the First Digital Transformation Conference in Yemen 2022 COPY English


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