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The conclusion of the Second Conference on Digital Transformation in Yemen and its accompanying exhibition 2023

November 16, 2023 Creative 0 Comments

The second conference on digital transformation in Yemen and the accompanying exhibition, organized by the “We are all creative development technology" organization in partnership with the “Technology Community Center for Training and Consulting", concluded today in Sana’a under the official patronage of His Excellency the Prime Minister, the Executive Office of the National Vision for State Building and the Central Bank of Yemen and under the media sponsorship of the Technology Society Magazine.

The conference, which was held under the slogan “Building and Strengthening the Culture of Digital Institutions" over a period of three days, discussed axes that included the national strategy for digital transformation, financial inclusion, community awareness in digital transformation, financial inclusion to achieve sustainable development, infrastructure related to digital transformation, financial services, investment in the field of digital transformation, financial inclusion, legislation, laws and regulations governing digital services, artificial intelligence and digital transformation.

At the conclusion, Deputy Prime Minister for National Vision Affairs Mahmoud Al-Junaid and Minister of State for Parliamentary and Shura Council Affairs Ali Abu Haliqa honored the supporting parties and participants in the conference and exhibition, and creative and innovative youth in the digital field.

The conference came out with a number of recommendations

1. The need for the state and the government to adopt digital transformation, and to commit to this to advance the digital reality of the country in various fields.

2. Create a platform to study best practices and successful experiences in digital transformation to take advantage of opportunities and challenges with the participation and support of relevant authorities.

3. Implement the recommendations of the first conference on digital transformation in Yemen to include the basic points that represent the essence of digital transformation in Yemen.

Recommendations of the First Conference on Digital Transformation in Yemen 2022

1. Preparing a national strategy for financial inclusion and digital transformation from the government with the participation of the private sector and civil society organizations within a specific time frame and with performance indicators to follow up the level of implementation and achieve sustainable development goals, through:

a. Establishing a national committee to prepare a strategy for financial inclusion and digital transformation in Yemen from all relevant authorities.

b. Government agencies adopt the process of digital transformation and financial inclusion within their vision and strategic objectives.

c. Activating joint work between all ministries and concerned bodies to lay the foundations and stages of transformation in a harmonious and harmonious manner.

d. Develop regulatory frameworks that integrate ICTs with the financial and banking sector.

e. Preparing a regulatory vision for banks to help them for digital transformation, competitiveness and continuity in the digital technology market.

f. Going to. Conducting periodic or annual evaluation to measure the progress of digital transformation according to performance indicators.

2- Preparing legislation, laws and regulations governing digital services and financial inclusion services, and in this regard, the Conference recommends the following:

a. Speedy issuance of a law regulating e-commerce

b. The speed of issuing the Anti-Cybercrime Law, which was submitted to the House of Representatives for approval

c. Preparing and issuing cyber legislation and regulations that ensure (protection of personal data – bank accounts – electronic transactions)

d. Adapting the Yemeni law regulating e-commerce with the legislation of other countries that follow the digital approach in their commercial transactions because the international dimension of electronic commerce requires it.

e. Regulating the provisions of protecting the personal data of users of electronic transactions, whether commercial or not. Without these provisions, Yemeni law would be incompatible with the laws of other countries pursuing a digital transformation approach.

3- Developing the infrastructure of various sectors related to digital services and financial inclusion, through:

a. Attention to developing the infrastructure of the ICT sector in accordance with the latest international standards through:

1. Establishing and allocating data center infrastructure designed to host servers and financial inclusion service systems so that hosting by local data centers.

2. Providing high-speed Internet such as (4G,5G) for all users, at reasonable prices.

3. Expansion and spread in the delivery of optical fibers to cover all regions of Yemen.

4. Provide access through Internet networks (WAB).

b. Providing all modern digital services and developing financial products that meet the needs of all groups.

c. Choosing the appropriate technological operational environment and prioritizing this environment to be in a local framework to take advantage of the advantages offered by local cloud hosting.

4- Raising community awareness in digital transformation and financial inclusion, through:

a. Spreading awareness and knowledge among citizens to facilitate their entry into the financial technology market.

b. Spreading awareness of the importance of digital transformation and cybersecurity.

c. Work on adopting specialized curricula and programs to qualify cadres in all areas of digital transformation, financial inclusion and cybersecurity, funded by the government and private sectors and local and international community organizations.

d. Targeting universities and institutes specialized in training and awareness programs starting from general education to university education.

e. Establishing national and regional forums, federations and coalitions to promote digital transformation and achieve financial inclusion.

f. Going to. Raising awareness of boards of directors, building their capacities and spreading knowledge of the importance of adopting digital transformation issues to ensure support for transformation processes in bodies, institutions and companies.

h. Supporting studies and research on the topics of financial inclusion and digital transformation.

i. Building trust between financial units and the beneficiary through several means and practical, knowledge and human rights tools … Etcetera.

5- Encouraging investment in the field of digital transformation and financial inclusion through the following:

a. Adopting an investment policy in expanding and developing the capabilities of digital infrastructures.

b. Stimulating the role of specialized bodies in the planning and mobilization of various investments to build a technological knowledge society.

c. Encourage and facilitate the active participation of local investors and companies in the digital industry and in the development of the information technology sector.

d. Supporting innovations in financial products by stimulating investments in them.

e. Attracting specialized and professional expertise and increasing cooperation and coordination with private, regional and international organizations.

f. Going to. Enhancing support for small and micro enterprises and enabling them to benefit from digital transformation and financial inclusion.

At the end of its work, in the presence of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the Business Services Sector, Abdul Fattah Al-Thawayed, and the Director General of Payment Systems at the Central Bank of Yemen, Yahya Al-Khatib, witnessed two sessions to discuss a number of working papers, the first session, chaired by Dr. Abdul Basit Al-Darrasi, lawyer and legal advisor, dealt with the axis of legislation, laws and regulations governing digital services, including a number of working papers that dealt in their entirety with the importance of legislation and laws in the process of digital transformation, and the role of legislative and regulatory frameworks in supporting and confronting information crimes. digital, and the protection of intellectual property rights in software and digital content.

T The second session, chaired by Dr. Sharaf Al-Kibsi, General Manager of Impact Consulting, discussed the axis of artificial intelligence and digital transformation, including a number of working papers that dealt with the concept of artificial intelligence, its requirements and applications, and the importance of using innovative digital technologies and solutions in improving production processes and increasing resource efficiency, as well as the importance of benefiting from artificial intelligence in improving the services provided to customers.

In conclusion, the Executive Director of the Organization We are all creative development technology, Eng. Wafaa Al-Ariqi, expressed her thanks to all those who contributed to the success of the conference’s activities, including organizers, supporters and authors of working papers.

She stressed the importance of working to implement the recommendations of the second conference in order to reach a gradual transition towards a strong digital national economy.

We are all creative development technology organization was honored in the presence of Mr. Mahmoud Al-Junaid, Deputy Prime Minister for National Vision Affairs and Head of the Executive Office of the National Vision Department, who honored all official and private sponsors and participation in the conference and exhibition with shields for their active participation in the success of this conference and exhibition.

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