he conclusion of the second e-commerce conference and its accompanying exhibition in Sana’a
Sana’a, April 7, 2021 AD (Saba) – Participants in the second conference on e-commerce emphasized the necessity of adopting electronic commerce as a main focus of the comprehensive national vision for building the modern Yemeni state and developing a national strategy to enhance digital financial inclusion by the highest levels in the country with the participation of the financial and banking sector and the commercial and industrial business sectors And contacts, educational and media institutions to ensure the effectiveness of the strategy.
At the conclusion of the conference, the participants recommended the formation of a technical committee or a national coordinating council headed by the Minister of Industry and Trade consisting of all relevant parties from the public and private sectors and civil society organizations to create a legislative, investment and regulatory environment for electronic commerce while benefiting from the experiences of countries in this field.
The recommendations demanded the need for the Central Bank to organize the digital transformation of financial and banking services on a large scale that includes all financial and banking services required by e-commerce business, as well as for the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to achieve the technical requirements necessary to popularize the use of electronic money in order to enhance its effectiveness and protect its users to achieve general acceptance, and to remove Technical obstacles that prevent this and activate the role of the National Information Center to contribute to building digital information content at the national level.
The participants stressed the review, identification and preparation of legislation that contributes to enhancing digital transformation and financial inclusion in a manner that serves the management and organization of information at the national level, the protection of parties to digital transactions, and the creation of the judicial system specialized in the fields of e-commerce, as well as benefiting from the interest and orientation of the political leadership towards automation and the application of the unified electronic central system and work on Developing employees’ computer skills to serve electronic commerce.
The recommendations emphasized the necessity of preparing a national strategy for digital transformation by the government sector in partnership with the private sector and civil society organizations, consulting private international organizations in this field, and adopting this strategy as guarantees for the rights and obligations of parties to e-commerce operations and holding competitive national competitions for talented and creative people in the field of information technology and related fields. Including e-commerce and the absorption and support of their projects in addition to raising community awareness in this area and allocating financial resources for both consultations and capacity-building in digital transformation in various fields.
The recommendations urged to encourage investment in business areas based on digital technologies, in a way that contributes to the expansion of electronic commerce, through cooperation with the private sector and international organizations in providing and reducing customs tariffs imposed on importing computers and various information technologies, while adopting policies to attract investors from outside the country. To contribute to projects inside the country, as well as direct tax patterns imposed on Internet activities in a way that serves trade and business activities, reduce the prices of telecommunications and Internet services in line with the global average, and make offers and discounts to encourage new projects and innovation.
Participants emphasized the importance of studying consumer behavior and the potential of service providers before starting to develop any technologies or applications to display and sell products electronically, qualify the communications and information technology sector, its technologies and applications, and strengthen the infrastructure in a way that serves the transformation towards the information society and the digital information content industry in various sectors, “governmental or private, or community organizations." Civil or individuals and such
Establishing a national commercial electronic platform that includes products and services in cooperation and coordination with all partners in the government and private sectors and civil society organizations, and updating corporate websites and applications to comply with modern specifications that serve electronic commerce and accompanying accounting services.
The recommendations urged the use of technological innovations, their applications and services on the commercial side to contribute to raising the development and economy and preparing coordination programs between companies specialized in developing information technology and digital and financial systems and companies wishing to expand their business through consultants, facilities and government encouragement according to a long-term national vision.
The provision of electronic payment gateways and its platforms and secure hosting of e-commerce and business websites through well-trusted tools, at encouraging prices, spreading awareness of e-commerce through various media devices, and including e-commerce topics in educational curricula and organizing promotional campaigns from e-commerce service providers.
The participants approved the adoption of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry to form a follow-up committee from the relevant authorities to follow up on the recommendations and decisions of the first and second conference for electronic commerce and to reflect those outputs according to an executive mechanism and to form a committee of consultants in the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry to assist companies with regard to inquiries related to electronic commerce and to approve holding conferences. E-commerce periodically and regularly.
In conclusion, the Director General of the General Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Muhammad Qafla, and the Executive Director of the Organization of We Are All Creators of Development Technology, Wafaa Al-Ariqi, indicated that the holding of this scientific conference comes in light of the many accelerating changes that the world is witnessing and has imposed itself in various fields and in particular in the economic aspect that casts With a shadow over all aspects of life, and one of the most important of these variables is the technological revolution, which is witnessing qualitative shifts, which have contributed greatly to facilitating and developing many fields.
He pointed out that during the conference, over the course of three days, a number of important topics and issues related to e-commerce were discussed by the participants from government agencies and the private sector, and a group of researchers, consultants and entrepreneurs in e-commerce, in addition to reviewing the pioneering and distinguished success experiences in our country for entrepreneurs from banks and youth in addition to To external participations to present the successful experiences in this field in some African countries.
They urged the necessity of implementing the outcomes and recommendations of the second conference on e-commerce in a way that contributes to enhancing e-commerce and e-commerce and benefiting from the advantages it brings to both the merchant, the consumer and society in saving time, effort and costs, and overcoming the problems of the Yemeni economy, especially in light of the current circumstances.
At the conclusion of the conference, which was organized by the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in partnership with the We Are All Creators of Technology Development Organization under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the entities and institutions that support, sponsor and collaborate in the success of its activities were honored.